Friday, October 17, 2008

Help replant the South Peachtree Creek Trail

CHCA, MANA, and the SPCT Oversight Committee invite you to join them in replanting areas that were cleared for the new multiuse trail connecting Medlock and Mason Mill Parks. Under the direction of local resident and county greenspace manager Dave Butler, we will ultimately be planting a mix of young native hardwood and evergreen trees, shrubs, and flowering plants. It will take more than one session.

We will start at the concrete section at the Mason Mill end on Tuesday, October 28, at 4:00 p.m. and work until dark. Please meet at the Mason Mill Park Tennis Center parking lot.

From the county, Dave will obtain the plants and borrow a four wheeled vehicle for transport of the plants, tools, and mulch. Volunteers are encouraged to bring shovels, trowels, gloves, and their own drinking water. Dave will instruct us in the proper methods for planting. Please come plant a tree, adopt a tree, or just cheer us on. Hopefully we can finish replanting by the end of the year.


  1. I won't be able to attend, but I'm with you in spirit. This will be an excellent show of public support. Thanks for organizing this.

  2. Ditto. I'm not sure I can make this one, but hopefully can participate in the future. Maybe a future planting session (even just one) could be scheduled on the weekend? I know its starting to get dark early, but for those of us with standard business hours, its hard to get home/changed/on site in time to participate. This is not a complaint!!! Its great that this is happening, whenever it happens!

  3. How did the plantings go? Was the turnout good?

  4. It was great! About twenty people showed up and we planted everything Dave brought and had enough time and energy to clear a lot of privet down by the Burnt Fork Creek Bridge. That section of the trail looks much improved and we are planning to get more ferns and other understory plants for a later planting. We will try to schedule the next planting party on a weekend.
